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Day 25: Join Two Arrays by ID


Given two arrays arr1 and arr2, return a new array joinedArray. All the objects in each of the two inputs arrays will contain an id field that has an integer value. joinedArray is an array formed by merging arr1 and arr2 based on their id key. The length of joinedArray should be the length of unique values of id. The returned array should be sorted in ascending order based on the id key.

If a given id exists in one array but not the other, the single object with that id should be included in the result array without modification.

If two objects share an id, their properties should be merged into a single object:

  • If a key only exists in one object, that single key-value pair should be included in the object.
  • If a key is included in both objects, the value in the object from arr2 should override the value from arr1.

Example 1:

arr1 = [
  {"id": 1, "x": 1},
  {"id": 2, "x": 9}
arr2 = [
{"id": 3, "x": 5}
  {"id": 1, "x": 1},
  {"id": 2, "x": 9},
{"id": 3, "x": 5}
Explanation: There are no duplicate ids so arr1 is simply concatenated with arr2.

Example 2:

arr1 = [
{"id": 1, "x": 2, "y": 3},
{"id": 2, "x": 3, "y": 6}
arr2 = [
{"id": 2, "x": 10, "y": 20},
{"id": 3, "x": 0, "y": 0}
{"id": 1, "x": 2, "y": 3},
{"id": 2, "x": 10, "y": 20},
  {"id": 3, "x": 0, "y": 0}
Explanation: The two objects with id=1 and id=3 are included in the result array without modifiction. The two objects with id=2 are merged together. The keys from arr2 override the values in arr1.

Example 3:

arr1 = [
{"id": 1, "b": {"b": 94},"v": [4, 3], "y": 48}
arr2 = [
{"id": 1, "b": {"c": 84}, "v": [1, 3]}
Output: [
{"id": 1, "b": {"c": 84}, "v": [1, 3], "y": 48}
Explanation: The two objects with id=1 are merged together. For the keys "b" and "v" the values from arr2 are used. Since the key "y" only exists in arr1, that value is taken form arr1.


  • arr1 and arr2 are valid JSON arrays
  • Each object in arr1 and arr2 has a unique integer id key
  • 2 <= JSON.stringify(arr1).length <= 106
  • 2 <= JSON.stringify(arr2).length <= 106


* @param {Array} arr1
* @param {Array} arr2
* @return {Array}
var joinExpensive = function(arr1, arr2) {
let result = [];
arr1.forEach((item1) => {
const item2 = arr2.filter((obj) => ===;
const temp = Object.assign({}, {...item1}, {...item2[0]});

let remaining = [];
arr2.forEach((item2) => {
const existingItem2 = result.filter((obj) => ===;
const foundItem = Boolean(existingItem2.length);
if (!foundItem) {
return [...result, ...remaining].sort((a, b) => -;

var join = function(arr1, arr2) {
const map = new Map();
for (const obj of arr1) {
map.set(, obj);
for (const obj of arr2) {
if (!map.has( map.set(, obj);
else {
const prevObj = map.get(;
for(const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
prevObj[key] = obj[key];
const res = new Array();
for (let key of map.keys()) res.push(map.get(key));
return res.sort((a, b) =>;


We need to merge two arrays, arr1 and arr2, based on their "id" key. The resulting array, joinedArray, should contain all the unique objects from both arrays, sorted in ascending order of their id values. When objects share the same id, their properties should be merged, with values from arr2 overriding values from arr1. If an id exists in only one array, the single object with that id should be included without modification.

Some practical use cases:

  • Data Integration: When integrating data from multiple sources, each source may provide data in separate arrays with a common ID. Merging these arrays based on the ID allows for combining and consolidating the data into a single dataset for analysis or processing.

  • Social Media Analysis: When analyzing social media data, merging arrays based on user or post IDs can bring together relevant information like user profiles, comments, likes, and shares. This enables comprehensive analysis, sentiment analysis, identifying popular posts, or finding patterns in user behavior.

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS): In GIS applications, merging arrays based on location IDs or geographic identifiers enables the integration of spatial data. This can involve merging arrays containing geographic features, attributes, and other relevant information, facilitating spatial analysis, mapping, and decision-making.

  • Supply Chain Management: In supply chain systems, merging arrays based on unique identifiers like product codes or order IDs allows for tracking and managing the flow of goods or services. Merging arrays helps consolidate information from different stages of the supply chain, such as procurement, production, distribution, and delivery, enabling efficient monitoring and optimization.

Approach 1: Brute Force

  • We start by creating a new array called combinedArray by combining the contents of arr1 and arr2. This ensures that all the objects from both arrays are included in a single array.
  • Next, we initialize an empty object named merged. This object will serve as a container to store the merged objects based on their ID as the key.
  • We then iterate over each object in the combinedArray using the forEach method. For each object, we check if its ID already exists as a key in the merged object.
  • If the ID does not exist in the merged object, we add a new key-value pair to the merged object. The key is the ID, and the value is a new object that we create by making a copy (...obj) of the current object. This ensures that each object has its own independent copy in the merged object.
  • However, if the ID already exists in the merged object, it means that there is another object with the same ID. In this case, we perform a merge of the properties. We update the existing object in merged by copying its properties (...merged[id]) and then overriding them with the properties of the current object (...obj). This ensures that the properties from arr2 take precedence over arr1 during the merging process.
  • After merging all the objects, we extract the values from the merged object using Object.values(). This creates an array, joinedArray, that contains only the merged objects without the ID keys.
  • Finally, we sort the joinedArray in ascending order based on the ID key. We use the sort method along with a comparator function (a, b) => - to determine the correct order. The comparator compares the IDs of two objects and determines their positions in the sorted array.
  • In the end, we return the sorted joinedArray as the final result of our join function.


* @param {Array} arr1
* @param {Array} arr2
* @return {Array}
var join = function(arr1, arr2) {
const combinedArray = arr1.concat(arr2);
const merged = {};

combinedArray.forEach((obj) => {
const id =;
if (!merged[id]) {
merged[id] = { ...obj };
} else {
merged[id] = { ...merged[id], ...obj };

const joinedArray = Object.values(merged);
joinedArray.sort((a, b) => -;

return joinedArray;

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time complexity: The time complexity is O(nlogn)O(nlogn)O(nlogn) due to the sort function, where nnn is the total number of elements in the combined array (length of arr1 plus length of arr2). The iteration and merging process also contributes to the time complexity, but it is dominated by the sorting operation.

  • Space complexity: The space complexity is O(n)O(n)O(n), where nnn is again the total number of elements in the combined array. This is because a new array (combinedArray) and a new object (merged) are created, each of which can potentially store all the elements from arr1 and arr2.

Approach 2: Using Map


We can combine two arrays, arr1 and arr2, using a Map. We add all objects from arr1 to the Map and then merge the objects from arr2 based on their ID. The merged objects are stored in an array called res. Finally, we sort the res array in ascending order based on the ID property.


  • We start by creating a new Map object called map. A Map is used to efficiently store and retrieve key-value pairs.
  • We iterate over each object in arr1 using a for-of loop. For each object, we set its ID as the key and the entire object as the value in the map.
  • Next, we iterate over each object in arr2 using another for-of loop. For each object, we check if its ID already exists as a key in the map.
  • If the ID does not exist in the map, we set the ID as the key and the entire object as the value in the map. This ensures that the object is included in the res array without modification.
  • However, if the ID already exists in the map, we retrieve the existing object using map.get( We then iterate over each property of the current object using Object.keys(obj).
  • For each property, we update the corresponding property of the existing object with the value from the current object. This merging process ensures that values from arr2 override values from arr1 when the objects share the same ID.
  • After merging all the objects, we create an empty array called res to store the final result.
  • We iterate over the keys of the map using map.keys(). For each key, we retrieve the corresponding object using map.get(key) and push it into the res array.
  • Finally, we sort the res array in ascending order based on the ID using the sort method along with a comparator function (a, b) => - This ensures that the objects are arranged in the correct order based on their IDs.
  • In the end, we return the sorted res array as the final result of the join function.


* @param {Array} arr1
* @param {Array} arr2
* @return {Array}
var join = function(arr1, arr2) {
const map = new Map();
for(const obj of arr1) map.set(, obj);
for(const obj of arr2) {
if(!map.has( map.set(, obj);
else {
const prevObj = map.get(;
for(const key of Object.keys(obj)) prevObj[key] = obj[key];
const res = new Array();
for(let key of map.keys()) res.push(map.get(key));
return res.sort((a,b)=>;

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time complexity: The time complexity is O(nlogn) due to the sort function, where nnn is the total number of elements in the combined array (length of arr1 plus length of arr2). The iteration and merging process also contributes to the time complexity, but it is dominated by the sorting operation.

  • Space complexity: The space complexity is O(n), where nnn is the total number of elements in the map.

Approach 3: Using Two pointers


Main idea is similar to merging two sorted arrays. It iterates through the sorted arr1 and arr2, comparing IDs and adding objects to the resulting joinedArray and increment the pointers for one or the other array depending on which element we need to insert. Once one array is fully processed, any remaining objects from the other array are inserted.


  • We begin by sorting both arr1 and arr2 in ascending order based on their ID. This ensures that we process the objects in a consistent order during the merging process.
  • We initialize an empty array called joinedArray to store the merged objects.
  • We use two pointers, i and j, to keep track of the current positions in arr1 and arr2 respectively. We start with i = 0 and j = 0.
  • We enter a while loop that continues until we reach the end of either arr1 or arr2. Inside the loop, we compare the IDs of the objects at the current positions (arr1[i].id and arr2[j].id).
  • If the ID in arr1 is smaller than the ID in arr2, we add the object from arr1 to joinedArray and increment i to move to the next object in arr1.
  • If the ID in arr1 is larger than the ID in arr2, we add the object from arr2 to joinedArray and increment j to move to the next object in arr2.
  • If the IDs are the same, we merge the properties of the objects from both arrays. We create a new object by spreading the properties of arr1[i] and then overriding any matching properties with the corresponding values from arr2[j]. The merged object is added to joinedArray, and both i and j are incremented to move to the next objects in both arrays.
  • After the while loop, we check if there are any remaining objects in arr1 or arr2. If there are, we enter separate while loops to add the remaining objects to joinedArray.
  • Finally, we return the joinedArray, which contains all the merged objects from both arrays.


* @param {Array} arr1
* @param {Array} arr2
* @return {Array}
var join = function(arr1, arr2) {
arr1.sort((a,b) => -
arr2.sort((a,b) => -
let i = 0
let j = 0

const joinedArray = []

while(i < arr1.length && j < arr2.length) {

if(arr1[i].id === arr2[j].id) {
joinedArray.push({...arr1[i], ...arr2[j]})

if(arr1[i].id < arr2[j].id) {


while(i < arr1.length) {

while(j < arr2.length) {

return joinedArray

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time complexity: The arr.sort takes a O(nlogn)O(nlogn)O(nlogn) time complexity, where nnn is the length of the largest array.

  • Space complexity: Since we are creating a joinedArray to store the result, which can grow up to the size of arr1 and arr2 we can say that the space complexity is O(n)O(n)O(n), where n is the total number of elements in arr1 and arr2. However, in reality we only consider the auxiliary space (space used not including the input and output), the real space complexity would be O(1)O(1)O(1). This is because the additional space used by the algorithm for the variables and pointers (i and j) does not change with the size of the input arrays.

Interview Tips:

  • What is the purpose of sorting the resulting array?

    • Sorting the array in ascending order of the id key ensures that the objects are arranged in a specific order. This makes it easier to locate and retrieve objects based on their id value, especially for further processing or analysis.
  • Can the merging process be performed in-place, modifying the original arrays?

    • In general, it is recommended to avoid modifying the original arrays during the merging process to maintain immutability and avoid unintended side effects. Modifying the original arrays can introduce complexities, especially if the arrays are shared or used in multiple contexts. It's usually better to create a new merged array to ensure data integrity and maintain the original arrays in their original state.
  • Why is merging arrays based on a common key useful in programming?

    • Merging arrays based on a common key is a common operation in programming, especially when working with relational or structured data. It allows us to combine and consolidate information from multiple sources, facilitating data analysis, data processing, and data integration. By merging arrays based on a shared key, we can bring related data together, establish relationships, and perform further operations on the combined data set.