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If you are looking for a resource where you can learn Data structures in-depth. TakeUForward SDE sheet is highly recommended.

SDE Sheet contains very handily crafted and picked top coding interview questions from different topics of Data Structures & Algorithms.

Day 1: Arrays (6)
Day 2: Arrays Part-II (6)
Day 3: Arrays Part-III (6)
Day 4: Arrays Part-IV (6)
Day 5: Linked List (6)
Day 6: Linked List Part-II (6)
Day 7: Linked List and Arrays (6)
Day 8: Greedy Algorithm (6)
Day 9: Recursion (6)
Day 10: Recursion and Backtracking (0/6)
Day 11: Binary Search (8)
Day 12: Heaps (6)
  • Max heap, Min Heap Implementation Only fo...
  • Kth Largest Element
  • Maximum Sum Combination
  • Find Median from Data Stream
  • Merge K sorted arrays
  • K most frequent elements
Day 13: Stack and Queue (7)
Day 14: Stack and Queue Part-II (10)
Day 15: String (6)
  • Reverse Words in a String
  • Longest Palindrome in a string
  • Roman Number to Integer and vice versa
  • Implement ATOI/STRSTR
  • Longest Common Prefix
  • Rabin Karp
Day 16: String Part-II (6)
  • Z-Function
  • KMP algo / LPS(pi) array
  • Minimum characters needed to be inserted i...
  • Check for Anagrams
  • Count and say
  • Compare version numbers
Day 17: Binary Tree (12)
Day 18: Binary Tree part-II (8)
Day 19: Binary Tree part-III (7)
Day 20: Binary Search Tree (7)
  • Populate Next Right pointers of Tree
  • Search given Key in BST
  • Construct BST from given keys
  • Construct a BST from a preorder traversal
  • Check is a BT is BST or not
  • Find LCA of two nodes in BST
  • Find the inorder predecessor/successor of ...
Day 21: Binary Search Tree Part-II (8)
Day 22: Binary Trees[Miscellaneous] (6)
  • Binary Tree to Double Linked List
  • Find median in a stream of running integer...
  • K-th largest element in a stream.
  • Distinct numbers in Window.
  • K-th largest element in an unsorted array.
  • Flood-fill Algorithm
Day 23: Graph (12)
Day 24: Graph Part-II (6)
Day 25: Dynamic Programming (7)
Day 26: Dynamic Programming Part-II (8)
Day 27: Trie (7)
Day 28: Operating System
  1. Refer Sheet for revision.
  2. Revise OS notes that you would have made during your sem
  3. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.

Day 29: DBMS

  1. Refer Sheet for revision.
  2. Revise DBMS notes that you would have made during your sem
  3. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.

Day 30: Computer Networks

  1. Refer Sheet for revision.
  2. Revise CN notes that you would have made during your sem
  3. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.

Day 31: Project Overview

Make a note of how will your represent your projects, and prepare all questions related to tech which you have used in your projects. Prepare a note which you can say for 3-10 minutes when he asks you that say something about the project.

  • Javascript Basics
  • Willingness to learn

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