Part 5
- Javascript Basics
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts in 35ish minutes - Introduction
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts in 35ish minutes - Part 1/6
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts in 35ish minutes - Part 2/6
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts in 35ish minutes - Part 3/6
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts in 35ish minutes - Part 4/6
- Willingness to learn
Section 5 - Building Objects
Lesson 57- Function Constructors, 'new', and the History of Javascript
Example 1: Function constructor
function Person(){ //Constructor
this.firstname = ‘John’;
this.lastname = ‘Doe’;
//Creating new object using “new” keyword
var john = new Person();
//OUTPUT Person { fistname: “John”,lastname: “Doe” }
Explanation - new
keyword creates an empty object typeof Person
and then Person
function is invoked, Now this variable is pointing to empty object in memory so this.firstname
and this.lastname
being added upon empty object. Now js engine returns the object created by new keyword.
Example 2: Constructor with params
function Person(firstname, lastname){ //Constructor
console.log(this); // Person {}
this.firstname =firstname;
this.lastname =lastname;
var john = new Person(‘John’,’Doe’);
#BIGWORD Function Constructors - A normal function that is used to construct objects. The ‘this’
variable points to a new empty object, and that object is returned from the function automatically.
Lesson 58- Function Constructors and '.prototype'
The function constructor already set the prototype for you.
Example 1:
//Check following in console
//OUTPUT Person { }
Functions are a special type of objects in javascript
function has name property(optional can be anonymous), code property when we ()invoke it is invocable. Every function has a prototype property(used only by the new
The prototype property of the function is not the prototype of the function it’s the prototype of any objects created if we are using the function as the function constructor.
All functions get special property (prototype)
Example 2:
function Person(firstname, lastname){ //Constructor
console.log(this); // Person {}
this.firstname =firstname;
this.lastname =lastname;
person.prototype.getFullName = function (){
return this.firstname + ‘ ’ + this.lastname;
var john = new Person(‘John’, ‘Doe’);
Person { firstname : ‘John’, lastname : ‘Doe’, getFullName : function }
john.getFullName(); // “John Doe”
We can add something to our prototype on the fly cuz prototype chain is just looking at these objects at the moment you try to access any one of these methods or properties.
Example 3:
Person.prototype.getFormalFullName = function (){
return this.lastname + ‘, ‘ + this.firstname;
console.log(john.getFormalFullName()); //”Doe, John”
Lesson 59 - Dangerous Aside ('new' and Functions)
Example 1: We use the first letter as the capital letter in case of function constructor
function Person(firstname, lastname){ //Constructor
console.log(this); // Person {}
this.firstname =firstname;
this.lastname =lastname;
person.prototype.getFullName = function (){
return this.firstname + ‘ ’ + this.lastname;
If we don’t use the new
keyword, It will still execute the function but it returns undefined
var john = Person(‘John’, ‘Doe’);
so following line of code with throw an error, as we are accessing prototype of undefined
So always use the new
keyword to access prototype properties
Lesson 60- Conceptual Aside (Built-In Function Constructors)
Try in console
var a = new Number(“3”);
is not a primitive and not a number it’s an object because function construct returns an object
a // Number {[[ PrimitiveValue ]]: 3}
//Check Number.prototype which is all number objects will have access to
like - a.toFixed() // “3.00”
Example 1:
String.prototype.isLengthGreaterThan = function(limit){
//this is referred to the returning object
return this;.length > limit;
//john is converted to an object automatically
console.log(“John”.isLengthGreaterThan(3)); //true
Example 2:
Number.prototype.isPositive = function(){
return this>0;
//Error - SyntaxError
//Reason - js automatically converts the string but not numbers to an object
Working Example 2:
var a = new Number(3);
a.isPositive(); //true
Lesson 61- Dangerous Aside (Built-In Function Constructors)
Example 1:
var a = 3;
var b = new Number(3);
a == b //true both are primitive
a === b //false but type of b is object
refer for dates
Lesson 62- Dangerous Aside (Arrays and for
Example 1 :
Array.prototype.myCustomFeature = ‘cool’;
var arr = [‘John, ’Jane’, ’Jim’];
for(var prop in arr){
console.log(prop + “:” + arr[prop]);
//OUTPUT For in can read all properties of an array to avoid this always use for loop
0 : John
1 : Jane
2 : Jim
myCustomFeature : cool
Lesson 63- Object.create and Pure Prototypal Inheritance
Example 1: //Pure Prototypal Inheritance
//base object
var person = {
firstname : ‘Default’,
lastname : ‘Default,
greet : function(){
return ‘Hi ’ + this.firstname;
var john = Object.create(person);
//This will return an empty object with __proto__ having all properties
john.greet(); // “Hi Default”
//To hide old values
john.firstname = ‘John’;
john.lastname = ‘Doe’;
john.greet(); // “Hi John”
#BIGWORD Polyfill: Code that adds a feature which an engine may lack.
Example 1:
var person = {
firstname : ‘Default’,
lastname : ‘Default,
greet : function(){
return ‘Hi ’ + this.firstname;
// Providing support to browsers which don’t have Object.create feature
var john = Object.create(person);
//Solving problem with polyfill
Object.create = function(o){
throw new Error (‘Object.create impl accepts only first parameter’);
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
Lesson 64 - ES6 and Classes
Just another way to create objects and set the prototype
Example 1:
//This class person is an object
class Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname){
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
return ‘Hi’ + firstname;
//A js class define an object
var john = new Person(‘John’,’Doe’);
//Setting up prototype with classes
class InformalPerson extends Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname){
return ‘Yo ’ + firstname;
Click me to learn more about - Inheritance
#BIGWORD Syntactic Sugar: A different way to Type something that doesn’t change how it works under the hood.
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- Anthony Alicea, follow him on Twitter